“Golf is the only sport that offers enough solitude and silence for the soul to play a decisive part.” - Bobby Jones

  • Develop your inner strength and power.

  • Quiet your mind and improve your mental focus. 

  • Increase your physical strength and power.

  • Learn how to play courageous golf.
  • Learn how to find joy in the present moment.
  • Learn how to get into the flow state more often.
  • Learn how to integrate soul, mind, heart and body. 
  • Improve your flexibility.

  • Increase your distance.

  • Lower your scores.

  • Prevent injuries.

  • Have more fun.

  • Attain Self-mastery on and off the golf course. 

What golfer doesn't want to lower their scores, hit the ball farther, play injury free and have more fun on the course? As an avid golfer myself, I understand the passionate desire to play our best golf. The feeling of hitting that perfect shot is indescribable.

Golf strikes at the core of who we are. Each and every round is a journey. In many ways our golf game mirrors the opportunities and challenges, heartbreak and excitement, luck and misfortune, humor and frustration and the sheer torture and amazing miracles of everyday life.

To hit that great shot requires playing with the same freedom and trust we need to live fulfilling lives. Like all of life, golf engages the spirit, mind, heart and body. To hit that stationary little white ball effectively, our spirit, mind, heart and body must be connected. 

Our training together will be guided by these overall intentions: 



Develop a strong, flexible and athletic body

Maximize the efficiency of your body to gain dynamic power in your swing while playing without pain and staying injury free.

As a certified TPI level 2 golf fitness instructor, I have the knowledge to understand the major physical performance factors that limit most players from reaching their full potential. We will work together to get you to your optimum level of mobility, stability, strength, power and speed.


Develop a still mind fully aware in the present moment. 

One momentary lapse of concentration during an eighteen hole round can keep us from shooting our best score, winning a golf tournament or simply enjoying the game more. 

The trend that I see for all of us is that our attention span is getting shorter and shorter. Statistics bear this out with the average attention span dropping from 12 seconds down to 8.25 seconds over the past fifteen years and I don’t expect that to change unless we do something to reverse that trend.  

If  we neglect training our mind to concentrate deeply over an extended period of time we will more than likely fall prey to poor shots because of our lack of focus. 

If we typically shoot a score of around 80 allowing for about 20 seconds per shot including the pre-shot routine that means that we will need to be in deep concentration for about thirty minutes in a typical round. 

That’s why I include concentration training with my golf athletes. It doesn’t matter how efficient our golf swing is if it isn’t synced up with our mind and heart in deep concentration. Deep concentration training is the competitive edge that will allow us to play golf and live  life at our highest level.


Cultivate a calm heart, being centered and balanced.

A critical piece of playing fearless golf is getting the mind, heart, body and swing in sync. Another way to say it is to get into the flow state.  That is what the practice of Qi Gong is all about. A consistent practice of Qi Gong will allow you to enter the flow state more readily.  



Train yourself to have focused energy

Golf is an endurance sport that can last as long as five hours a round. To play our best we must be able to have sustainable focused energy. As a Certified Holden Qi Gong Instructor I will help you be more skillful in working with your energy.  From this ancient practice you will learn how to sustain your energy for all 18 holes. The key to playing our best golf is to play with focused energy in the flow state by finding stillness in motion.  

Your Personalized Golf Fitness Training Includes

  • TPI golf screen
  • Golf specific exercise program design
  • Qi Gong 
  • Awareness training.
  • Breath work training.
  • Once or twice weekly 50 minute golf specific personal training sessions
  • Access to the myTPI client app to ensure you stay on track with your training program. 

Every player has a completely different body and unique set of strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, before beginning any golf fitness program, it's important for each player to be properly screened. The TPI golf screen assesses your mobility, stability, strength and power and identifies if your body is effecting your golf swing and if swing compensations are being made based on faulty movements and poor mobility. With this information, we will identify priority areas to target in your workout program, addressing any weaknesses found, and continue to develop your strength. We also will relay this information to your team (golf professional and medical professional), so they can support you, too.

All of my workouts are designed to train players, who have a complete loss of mobility and stability, to achieve their full power potential.   I use bands, tubing and bodyweight for the most efficient, safe and effective workouts for my clients.  



Golf is a rotational sport. Without mobility in the thoracic spine, your golf game will suffer, and you will experience low back pain. Other key areas to focus on are the hips and the shoulders. Before anything else, the golfer needs to focus on mobility.


In golf it is important to stabilize parts of the body without them moving — glutes are the king and abs are the queen. To have an efficient swing, both of these need to be trained properly.


A golfer needs to have a good foundation of strength so he can create more speed and power, safely. But increasing strength just for the sake of increasing strength isn't the point. The goal is to develop left side and right side symmetry and balanced strength. You are only as strong as your weakest link.


Golfers are power athletes. The club head speeds of professional golfers are now exceeding 120 mph. The sequence of power generation in the golf swing is amazingly similar to the sequence we see with many throwing and rotational sports. Golfers need to train for power, when they have enough mobility, stability and strength.